Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Froggs Bounce House

I love this place!  My first thought is ewwww, its going to have germs and stains and grime everywhere but when I arrived I was pleasantly surprised.  There are huge cushy couches and lounge chairs and its easy to sit and get comfy and still have eye contact with your child.  ITS CLEAN! The true test is you have to wear socks and my socks were still white afterwards. It might just be cleaner than my house....haha. It took Grant a little bit to want to bounce but once he got into it we had a blast.  I got a little work out bouncing around.  Again, who has the better time, Grant or me? I love doing all this silly stuff. We went with a meet up group from Long Beach and the girls are all really nice and I will be doing lots more with them. 

Cars are 1st and foremost always!

Obviously blurry but just wanted to show you how cool the inside of the bouncy house was