Saturday, September 29, 2012

Lil' Man Party

No longer a baby, now a Lil' Man. Grants 1st birthday celebration.

A time line of favorite pics from each month of the year.

The centerpiece for the table. All things a lil' man may need in the future. His briefcase, ties, cell phone, car keys, etc.

Grants bath tub doubling as a beer, water and juice box cooler. Wet your whiskers.


Grandpa Hawkins giving me some advise

Helping Grant dig into his cake. He really wasn't interested in it, there were too many exciting people to see.

That was it, a little frosting and he wanted up and out.

This toy was harder to put together than it looks. 3 men and daddy trying to assemble it.

Check me out on my new ride!

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