Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Pow-Wow on the Ranch

Pow Wow on the Ranch or at least thats what the flyer said:  Lots of great activities as you can see from the list but I was most interested in the Pow-Wow factor!
Feed the Animals
Live Music
Games & Crafts
Story Time
Lots of Fun Activities
Grandma Rita is full blooded Indian, Dave 1/2 and Grant is 1/4 Indian, Yaqui and Navajo so it was an opportunity to get to know his heritage. Unfortunately there was only one Indian there and he was doing story time.  I was expecting dancing and music but other than that Grant always has a good time running around. www.leonisadobemuseum.org

I turned my head for 5 seconds and he was up and almost over!
The volunteers were handing out hand fulls of hay from the wheel barrel to feed the animals

Pressing a tortilla, blacksmith (off duty), music and placing a sticker on his favorite fruit column

The only Indian at the Pow-Wow....