Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Carseat

I love this picture, I took it from a blog I'm reading. While I go through all of these things and they aren't funny at the time its happening I look back on this picture and laugh at all my friends that are going through the same thing or will be soon.  Grant is the Twister and mostly The Rod and every time he does The Rod I think about this picture and want to Karate-chop him. Today has been eventful so far. I left the step stool out and when I came back in the room he was on the top rung turning the light off and on in the kitchen.  Then a few minutes later I heard the water running and he had climbed up on his stool and turned the water on which doesn't seem  like a threat. However, if the hot water is on he can burn his hands not to mention we don't need to be wasting water. So if I had another comic strip to share it would be the death grip on the sink so that I'm not able to pry his lil hands from the sink while simultaneously screaming NOOOOOO!!!!! Then its the old fashioned heater built into the wall that he wants to turn the switch on and thank goodness I'm there for that before he gets burned. I'll be placing tape over the switch to avoid future run ins. I find myself spending more time walking from one end of the house to the other getting nothing done except chasing Grant to make sure that the keys he won't let go of don't end up in a hiding spot or he hasn't done a double back flip off the lazy boy chair onto the ottoman, or whatever else he can think up.  I can't remember the last time I've had a chance to style my hair. In fact today I have bed head pulled up in a pony tail and then hid my face with some aviators and went to The Grove while nearly escaping being caught on camera with Mario Lopez and Extra TV.  Good news: Dave bought me a GC to the Burke Williams Spa for my birthday and I'm going this Sunday. Calgon, take me away!