Saturday, February 15, 2014

A Little Bit of This and That

I love Slurpies just like all men love slurpies!  I know they have them at Target and 7-Eleven and luckily they also have sugar free.

My best buddy Dylan is as crazy as I am and full of energy.  But we have lots of friends here my age cuz mommy is in a Meet-up group

This is baby bear.  Grant likes to have him swaddled and give him a bottle. I have no idea where he got that from. 

1st trip to Disneyland and CA Adventures.  I rode the carousel, Pirates of the Caribbean and a few others.  The pirates was a little dark and scary in the beginning but I love pirates and when I see them I say Yo, Ho Ho and swing my arm.

Soccer birthday party for my friend Declan turning 3

Sidewalk Chalk party at my house with my friends

Reptile Zoo, I pet a snake!

I learned how to ride my tricycle

My yin and yang - Calm Zen Dave blowing bubbles and Mr Excitement chasing them.

Ice Cream date night while daddy was away with the National Guard