Tuesday, October 9, 2012

1 Year Update

Grant has been walking for 2 months now and he’s getting faster and faster.  He seems to want to run everywhere rather than walk.  His favorite things to do are play with and in water especially swimming pools, push things like toys and his stroller, ride his motorcycle, cars, and rough house by doing assisted somersaults and hanging upside down.  Peek a boo and chase are still a favorite as well. We’ve been lucky that he is a healthy eater with a great appetite.  I add foods to the list on the right hand side of this blog as they are newly tried. There is nothing so far that Grant will not eat and the variety is endless. He’s been drinking out of different stage sippy cups for a while and recently started drinking from a juice box with a straw.  I try and keep him engaged in activities so a typical week will have trips to the park, story time at the library, mommy music and me class, a visit with the grandparents and a day to relax at home and play with toys and read books. Grant went on his first casting call yesterday in Hollywood and he was great since he loves to be around other children.  Number 7th tooth has broken through, still have several to go. He says Momma, Dad and Ca (cat) but understand and mimics a lot. His favorite video is the Einstein Video, Animals around us with puppets and sing a longs. He has never really taken to baths maybe its because he has to sit still, right now he prefers the shower. Sitting still is definitely not a Grant trait, he can’t even have a bottle in my lap without taking a sip and rolling and kicking his legs and moving positions. Which brings me to diaper changes and sitting still. Yes, we still do most of them standing up or running away. Its been a great year, so thankful for our lil man.